With Arsinol you get quality products for your outdoor wood. our unique formula is built on the basis of vegetable oil, which gives an excellent covering capability with regard to the environment. choose between one of four products and a wide range of colours. Whether you wish for a transparent solution or a solid colour, ARSINOL has the product for you.
Arsinol is manufactured by EFApaint A/S, which is a traditional manufacturer of quality products for the care and treatment of wood, metal or concrete. EFApaint A/S was founded as early as 1889. together we worship our passion for quality and cover the entire value chain from product development, production, sales and delivery.

Transparent woodcare for attachment and final treatment
Arsinol® transparent is transparent wood protection that can be used as an attachment and final remedy for woodwork where you wish to preserve the appearance of the wood structure.
The Product is available with colour pigments that highlight and preserves the wood's original glow. The dyes also create a necessary and effective defence against the sun's destructive UV radiation. Arsinol® transparent contains active substances, which slow down attacks on coatings and the paint surface.

Non-dripping woodcare with great coverage
Arsinol® opaque covers wood protection with a unique gelatinous consistency. This consistency does that Arsinol® Opaque doesn't drip during application. In addition, the thick consistency makes it easy to paint with, and Arsinol® Opaque distributes nicely across the wood.
Arsinol® Opaque has added colour pigments with high lightfastness and coverage. Arsinol® Opaque contains linseed oil and active compounds, which stunts attacks of coatings on the paint surface.

Wood Oil
Care and protection of outdoor furniture, terrace and facades
Arsinol® tree oil is a plant oil-based care- and protective oil for your outdoor furniture or tree, the boards on the terrace, and the facade.
Arsinol® Wood Oil gives a water-resistance surface, highlighting the wood´s natural structure, colour and glow. In addition, Arsinol® Wood Oil penetrates the wood and does not leave a film or greasy surface during the treatment.
Der er et yndigt land, det står med brede bøge
nær salten østerstrand, nær salten østerstrand.
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal, det hedder gamle Danmark.
Adam Oehlenschläger